
Join Now!

The following online application will be forwarded to the Coordinator of Memberships. The credentials of the candidate will then be presented by the Coordinator at the following Executive Business Meeting for review and approval.  Please submit your application prior to the annual conference meeting each year. Annual Dues: Regular membership: $100 & Trainees: $20

online application form!

Benefits of Membership

Membership Advantages in the Canadian Society of Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology:

  • Membership in a community of Canadian researchers investigating all areas of vascular disease;
  • Travel subsidies for undergraduate students, graduate students, medical students, residents and post-doctoral fellows presenting their work at Canadian or International Conferences that focus on atherosclerosis, thrombosis and/or vascular biology;
  • Unique opportunities for trainees, including meetings dedicated to research, networking and career planning
  • International outreach opportunities through the China-Canada Symposium.
  • All CSATVB members in good standing are also full members of the International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS). An updated list of CSATVB members is sent to the IAS each year during the month of January. IAS should have sent to each CSATVB member an access code. If not, please use the registered user tool on the IAS home page.
Pay membership Dues

Membership Types

Only members whose dues are paid up-to-date shall be considered to be in good standing.

1. Regular membership

Consists of established scientists with continuous active involvement in scientifically meritorious research in field of atherosclerosis or related areas. Regular membership may also include outstanding non-scientists whose special talents, professional aptitudes or personal prestige may be deemed advantageous to the corporation in the attainment of its goals. All regular members should be residents of Canada or Canadian citizens residing abroad. Regular members in good standing are eligible to vote at annual general business meetings (AGM) and be elected to the Board of Directors.

2. Trainee membership

Consists of scientists, and physicians in a full time training program, including a postdoctoral fellowship. The postdoctoral fellow is recognized as a trainee during a maximum of five (5) years after obtaining his doctoral degree. At the end of this period the postdoctoral fellow is expected to apply for a CSATVB regular membership. All trainee members shall be residents of Canada** or Canadian citizens residing abroad. Trainee members in good standing are eligible to vote at AGMs and be elected to the Board of Directors.
**Note: 'residents of Canada' includes those trainees who reside/live in Canada for study purposes but do not yet have permanent residency status per se.

3. Emeritus membership

Regular members in good standing who have reached their retirement may request the Secretary for a transfer to Emeritus status. Emeritus status may be granted to a member prior to retirement for reasons of health or other extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Emeritus members are not obliged to pay dues and shall be considered to be in good standing, are eligible to vote at AGMs and may be elected to the Board of Directors.

4. Complementary

Complementarity membership shall be given for two (2) years to guest speakers at the Annual Scientific Meeting.  Complementary Members are not eligible to vote and may not be elected to the Board of Directors. Complementary members are not obliged to pay dues.

5. Honorary Membership

Honorary membership may be conferred on non-members who have rendered distinguished service or who have made major contributions to knowledge in the field of atherosclerosis, thrombosis or vascular biology. Honorary members are not eligible to vote, or be elected to the Board of Directors. Honorary members are not obliged to pay dues.



(3 year term unless otherwise directed) 

  • Dr. Pascal Bernatchez, Univerisity of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (2014-26)
  • Dr. Angela Devlin, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (2011-26)
  • Dr. Gordon Francis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (2015-27)
  • Dr. Morgan Fullerton, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (2022-25)
  • Dr. Scott Heximer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (2019-25)
  • Dr. Rene Jacobs, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB (2023-26)
  • Dr. Warren Lee, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (2023-26)
  • Dr. Stephanie Lehoux, McGill University, Montreal, QC (2011-26)
  • Dr. Catherine Martel, Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, QC (2016-25)
  • Dr. Erin Mulvihill, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (2020-2026)
  • Dr. Mireille Ouimet, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (2023-26)
  • Dr. Spencer Proctor, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB (2008-26)
  • Dr. Katey Rayner, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, ON (2015-27)
  • Dr. Garry X. Shen, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB (2003-27)
  • Dr. Bernardo Trigatti, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2013-27)
  • Dr Ying Wang, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (2023-26)
  • Dr. Geoff Werstuck, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2010-26) 
  • Dr. Changting Xiao, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK (2023-26)

Communication Committee 

(3 year term unless otherwise directed)

  • Dr. Spencer Proctor (Chair), University of Alberta (2013-26)
  • Dr. Warren Lee, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (2024-27)

Education & Trainee Advisory Committee 

(3 year term unless otherwise directed) 

  • Dr. Catherine Martel (Chair), University of Montreal (2019-25)
  • Dr. Garry X. Shen, (Chair), University of Manitoba (2005-27)
  • Dr. Erin Mulvihill, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (2020-2026)
  • Dr. Bernardo Trigatti (President), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2013-27)
  • Dr. Geoff Werstuck, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2010-26)
  • Dr. Spencer Proctor, University of Alberta (2019-25)  

Finance Committee 

(3 year term unless otherwise directed) 

  • Dr. Bernardo Trigatti (Chair & President), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2023-26)
  • Dr. Angela Devlin (Past President), University of British Columbia (2019-25)
  • Dr. Stephanie Lehoux, McGill University (2016-25) 

Long-Term Planning Committee 

(3 regular members with staggered 2 year terms unless otherwise directed) 

  • Dr. Bernardo Trigatti (Chair & President), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2021-25)
  • Dr. Stephanie Lehoux (President Elect), McGill University, Montreal, QC (2023-25)
  • Dr. Angela Devlin (Past President), University of British Columbia (2019-25)  

Nominating Committee 

(3 regular members with staggered 2 year terms unless otherwise directed)

  • Dr. Bernardo Trigatti (Chair & President), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2021-25)
  • Dr. Stephanie Lehoux (President Elect), McGill University, Montreal, QC (2023-25)
  • Dr. Angela Devlin (Past President), University of British Columbia (2019-25)   

Membership Coordinator 

(3 year term unless otherwise directed) 

  • Dr. Pascal Bernatchez, Univerisity of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (2023-26)


Type: (R)egular, (T)rainee

Last Name, First Name, Membership Type, Hospital/Univ, City

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